Energize Your Third Eye--AKA the Sixth Chakra--to Use Intuition in Daily Life

This Exercise Uses the Following Wisdom Skills

Stub only: Energize and Use Your Chakras
Stub only: Intuition
Stub only: Breathe for Energy and Peace

Exercise Details

Duration = 10 minutes.
Difficulty = 65/100.

Use This Exercise:

  1. To penetrate to the deepest truth or to perceive the whole picture when you just don't understand a situation well enough to make good decisions.
  2. To develop an intuitive sense that you can count on as a guide for solving problems, finding crucial information, and choosing the wisest course.
  3. To learn to see through masks and lies, accurately sense a friend's state of mind from a distance, and create your future through skillful visualization.
Image courtesy of: Vern Hart, USA || Original Image || Flickr profile || Twitter